Thank You for Endorsing the Eau Claire Area School District

2024 Operational Referendum:

Our School Board:

Dr. Lori Bica

Josh Clements

Jarrett Dement

Drs. Stephanie Farrar and José Alvergue

Dr. Marquell Johnson

Drs. Tim and Terri Nordin

Erica Zerr

Our Community Organizations:

Chippewa Valley Area Educators - Retired (CVAE-R)

Eau Claire Association of Educators (ECAE)

Our Community Businesses:

Ambient Inks

Toppers Pizza

Our Community Members:

Erin Anderson

Lindsey Anderson

Niki Anderson

Aimee Andrews

Amy Balu

Michelle BassettShermo

Carly Beilke-Puccio

Beth and Brian Bender

Nicole Bernhardt

Lindsey Bispala

Megan Bollinger

Alivia Bostrom

Rachel Brettingen

Brenda Brommer

Laurie Jo Brott

Andy Brown

Jamie Brown

Gabe Brummett

Rebecca Bunkelman

Jo Ellen Burke

Nicole Burt

Emily Busch

Brad Chapman

Kris Chapman

Kaitlin Christ

Loralee Clark

Caden Consolatti

Darlene Cornell

Yvonne Couillard

Benjamin Dallman

Amy Daw

Sophie Disher

Michael Downie

Jeff Duerkop

Beth Dyson

Laura Ecker

Jodi Emerson

Dianne Fossum

Linda Gay

Rob and Tara Geske

Claire Giese

Tarin Gilleland

Mark and Barbara Goings

Dani Graham

C Gransee-Paral

Melissa Greer

Gail Halmstad

Chris Hambuch-Boyle and Steve Boyle

Scott Hayden

Jim Hazelton

Angela Hebert

Sandra Helpsmeet

Tracie Hepfler

Sonya Hestekin

Karla Hoefgen

Adam Hofkes

Laurie Hollars

Andrew Holle

Michelle Hrudka

Leah Hulback-Reed

Joshua A. Isham

Trinity Isham

Jennifer Jensen

Rebecca Jepperson

Andy and Cara Johnson

Laura Johnson

Merrilee Johnson

Nicole Johnson

Jamie and William Kampf

Katie Keeton

June Kemp

Sarah Kervin

Tina Kirton-Higley

Melody Krouse

CJ Krueger

Lily Kuhaupt

Judy Lake

Ann and John Lamoureux

Justin Lang

Sarah Lilly

Tim Lilly

Meg Linder

Theo Linder

Chris Lombardo

Erica Lombardo

Lars Long

Carla Lothe

Charles Mabie

Erin McCracken

Mark McCracken

Carling McLaughlin

Lillian McRaven

Brianna Meicher

Joseph Meicher

Hannah Metry

Terry Meyer

Chris Miller

Rob Modjeski

Kathryn Mohrhauser

Kyla Morgan

PaSia Moua

Jade Mutter

Christine Nall

Jessica Nall

Jeffrey Nestor

Harper Nordin

Jaiden Olson

Michelle Olson

Carol Parsons

Hannah Peterson

Christian Phelps

Lindsay Pruett

Jacob Punzel

Olena Pytel

Sarah Rasmussen

John Reyna

Shannon Rohde

Alex Rosenberg

Kristin Rosenberg

Kerri Rowe

Ben Rubenzer

Kirsten Rubenzer

Tom Rudolph

Maja Samec

Nicole Sanders

James Schmitz

Emily Seipel

Flo Sheridan

Michael Shilts

Rebecca Shilts

Katie and Domenic Sideri

Kristin Solberg

Marlene Soppeland

Danielle Squires

Kathleen Standen

Paul E. Steffens

Sarah Szymanski

Bethany Talledge

Sara Thacker

Amy and Jeremy Traynor

Morgan Tschimperle

Tracey and Richard Tumaniec

Katie Verferont Talwar

Breanna Vyskocil

Mary Kae Walters

Rebecca Weaver

Amanda Wedlund

Heidi Wendtland

Jason Wendtland

Karen Wheeler

Brian Wiltgen

Dr. Marty Wood

Melinda Wright

Authorized and Paid for by Support Eau Claire Public Schools

Copyright 2024 Support Eau Claire Public Schools

3:40 min. video

Learn More About Wisconsin's

Underfunding of Our Public Schools:

Become More Informed About What Your YES Vote Will Provide for the Children of Eau Claire:

Discover the History of School Finance in Wisconsin and Why the Funding System Needs Change:

"The Time for Revenue Limits Has Passed" by Ed Hughes

"Increasing Complexity, Unplanned Change: The Story of School Finance in Wisconsin" from The Wisconsin Taxpayer

(featured on the Wisconsin Policy Forum website)

(featured on the Wisconsin Association of School Boards website)